
At MUA, protecting people and businesses over the long term is at the heart of what we do. Our strategic plan, Ambition 2020, is centered on creating value for all our stakeholders – clients, shareholders, employees and the community. Corporate responsibility is an essential part of our vision. We believe true value comes from establishing sustainable and prudent business practices whilst contributing to social stability and economic growth.

Our team is a group of passionate individuals. Not only are we dedicated to maintaining the highest quality of customer satisfaction, we also realise that our corporate responsibility spans a wide range of areas such as climate change, economic development, education and community development.


Through the MUA Foundation, our talented team dedicates their time, skills and generosity to contribute positively and tackle key social and environmental issues in the communities in which we operate.

During 2019, MUA Foundation contributed over Rs 3m towards corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects. A large part of that contribution goes towards the projects managed by the National Social Inclusion Foundation. The balance, managed by the foundation, goes to societal causes ranging from education, welfare and development of vulnerable children to poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability. We also know that it’s the small daily actions that can make a big difference long term and as such we continually change our habits for the better. I In 2019 we banned plastic cups in all MUA offices and branches, replacing these with reusable mugs. In our ongoing efforts to implement environmentally friendly business practices, we launched an online Client Portal, making it easier for clients to access their information, make payments and claim online. An increasing number of clients and shareholders are also opting for the digital communication, further reducing the impact our business has on the environment.

The wellbeing of our employees remains an important aspect of our human resources strategy and the sustainability of our business. Our Employee Welfare Committee organises regular sports and recreational events. Keeping healthy bodies and minds contributes positively in the work place and our communities as a whole.

Children reading books

Our strategy goes well beyond the results we publish today. We look forward to continually working together with all our stakeholders to build stronger communities, with more sustainable environmental practices that become part of our daily lives.

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