Professional insurance: why choose the MUA
MUA offers you the possibility to meet all your professional needs, whatever the size of your business. The insurance of your activity, a complementary health insurance for your employees, a legal protection, etc ... : MUA is able to offer you a wide range of products, answering your many professional needs.
Your MUA adviser is at your disposal, available by phone or in a branch. Our specialist advisers adapt to your schedule and also travel directly to your company.

The Fire & Allied Perils insurance offers you clear, indispensable and essential guarantees to make your business as safe as possible, to protect your business from minor damage to major financial loss.
Whether you own your own building or rent your workplace, and whether your sector of activity, your business, physical assets will be protected.
The policy covers damage to your buildings and outbuildings, your stock and Materials in trade, plant and machinery, plant and equipment and more.
Buildings - Plant and Machinery - Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings - Stocks and Materials in Trade
What kind of risks are covered ?
- Fire, lighting, Explosion: Property Damage Coverage insured in case of fire and related risks such as lightning strike, implosion or explosion, electrical damage, etc.
- Natural disaster: damage caused to all insured property following a natural disaster of abnormal intensity (Cyclone, Flood, Hurricane, Storm, Tempest, Tidal Wave, Earthquake, volcanic eruption)
- Riot, Strikes, Lock Outs, Malicious act
- Burglary/theft: damage caused by theft, vandalism or damage due to attempted theft
- Riot, strikes, lockouts, malicious damage, land vehicle/animal impact,
- and others risks on demand

This policy covers the accidental loss or damage of insured items, usually portable items of high value, such as electronic items, photographic and video equipment, laboratory equipment, etc,
As far as coverage is concerned, all types of loss or damage are covered, unless excluded.
This policy covers the accidental loss or damage of insured items, usually portable valuables, such as electronic items, jewellery, photographic and video equipment or laboratory equipment. As far as coverage is concerned, the policy provides compensation for physical loss, such as damage to electronic equipment or data carriers. It can be water damage, malicious damage, impact, natural disaster, fire, lightning or explosion, in particular.

It means cash, Bank Notes, Cheques, Money Orders, Postal Orders, Bills of exchange, Postage and other Stamp having monetary value.
HOLD-UP: Theft accompanied by violence or threat of violence by anyone other than employee of the insured.
a) Compensate Loss of Cash on premises or while in transit from any cause whatsoever, but excluding employee’s embezzlement.
b) Compensate Loss or Damage to safe(s) caused by act of Burglary or theft
A fully customized policy based on your property and your needs
Thanks to the expertise of our agents, they will guide you in selecting and adapting your guarantees as well as possible
For more information