
Since MUA’s expansion into East Africa in 2014, the Rwandan operations have constantly evolved, undergoing a remarkable upward growth trajectory.  MUA Rwanda is now positioned in the top 3 private insurers in the non-life segment (excluding health insurance). An experienced local team has been managing the operations, with the support of key centralised functions in Mauritius. This has ensured the company’s continued stable results and the solid performance once again in 2019. Profit after Tax increased 40% from Rs 18m to Rs 26m, driven by a 150% growth in operating profit.

Our vision for MUA Rwanda is encapsulated in our 3 year strategic plan, Ambition 2020, and the comprehensive digital transformation plan now in place, the fruits of which will be visible in the current year.  

woman on smartphone

Rwanda’s population of 13 million people is highly literate, young, and progressively more mobile and tech savvy. The country’s forward thinking government strongly encourages the digitalisation of operations. Consequently Rwandans have become accustomed to using technology in their daily lives. A notable example of this drive is the 100% digitalized passport application process resulting in high efficiency gains.

In 2020 MUA Rwanda will be introducing a number of key digital initiatives with the aim of becoming the first completely digital insurer in the country in the motor insurance segment. We aim to launch a modern and user friendly mobile app that will allow our clients to purchase their motor insurance policy 24/7 and from the comfort of their homes. Our agents will be equipped with a variety of digital sales tools, allowing them to conclude the sales whilst on the road.

As we roll out these digital initiatives, MUA Rwanda will become an incubator for the group’s digital transformation. We remain confident in the success of our projects and we look forward to contributing positively to the insurance sector in Rwanda through innovation and digital best-practices.

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