
Investing In Our Staff

Group - Overall Headcount

Mauritius Male to Female ratio accross levels

Mauritius - Staff by age

Mauritius - Staff by length of service

Group - Male to Female ratio

Training and Salaries - Mauritius

Investing In Our Customers

Key Actions

MUA Select Garages

Launched in July 2020, MUA Select Garages is a single platform which handles the motor claims process in Mauritius. It combines a network of 11 specially vetted garages from a pool of 37 potential garages. The platform benefits clients through a more rapid and efficient claims process. Handlers have the possibility to log a claim, track a claim, assign surveyors and follow up on repairs with garages. Surveyors can upload photos, submit survey reports and approve additional repairs. Garages can place bids, request additional information, indicate start and end date for repairs. The impact of MUA Select Garages in 2020 can be summarized as follows:


Reduction in cycle time
from 41 days to 19 days

Rs 6,556,205

Estimated total savings
in 2020


Customer satisfaction score increased from 7.71 in 2019

Customer Satisfaction Survey

A customer satisfaction exercise was performed using 3 methodologies, namely face-to-face interviews in branches, phone call interviews with MUA clients and an online survey. Overall satisfaction levels across each methodology were:

Face-to-face interviews


Totally satisfied or satisfied

Phone call interviews


Totally satisfied or satisfied

Online survey


Totally satisfied or satisfied

MUA Global Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)*


CSAT = (Total number of satisfied customers/- Total number of responses) X 100

Investing In Our Environment

Paper consumption

Most commonly used paper

No. of Sheets

Fuel consumption

No. of Vehicles

No. of Litres

Electricity consumption

No. of Vehicles

No. of Litres

Plastic consumption

The use of plastic cups and plastic spoons was stopped in our offices and branches:

No. of plastic cups

No. of plastic spoons

Investing In Our Community

Rs 1,956,388

Direct charitable contributions from MUA Foundation

Rs 1,067,126

Disbursed to MRA to support National Social Inclusion Foundation

Rs 3,023,514

Total contribution to societal causes in 2020

Rs 16

Total projects in 2020

Projects Funding
Peace and nation-building 50,000 2.6%
St James Cathedral Renovation 50,000 2.6%
Education, welfare & development of vulnerable children 363,052 18.6%
Support for the yearly salary of a teacher - Association d’Alphab tisation de Fatima 200,000 10.2%
SOS Children’s Village: alternative residential care for around 60 abandoned children 100,000 5.1%
250 face masks for pupils of Surtee Soonnee Government School 6,250 0.3%
Cakes for RCA Case Noyale 3,500 0.2%
Waiver for premium for Afrasia Foundation 13,302 0.7%
Etoile du Berger - Installation of a new water tank 40,000 2.0%
Poverty alleviation, community development & capacity building 1,155,336 59.1%
L'Association des Amis de l'Ordre Souverain de Malte 50,000 2.6%
Funding to Foodwise for food packs distribution 865,336 44.2%
EOY - Dinner for the Homeless 240,000 12.3%
Protection, health & special integration of vulnerable groups 55,000 2.8%
Eye surgery for a member of the Pont du Tamarinier NGO 20,000 1.0%
T1Diams - Support for their Gala Charity Dinner 15,000 0.8%
Eye surgery for a patient in need 20,000 1.0%
Sustainable Development and the environment 333,000 17.0%
Recycling bin & sponsoring for the purchase of a new van - Mission Verte 183,000 9.4%
Ile aux Aigrettes Restoration Project 50,000 2.6%
Wakashio Oil Spill Emergency Fund Allocation to the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation 100,000 5.1